Quantum Physics Education
Practical work in quantum engineering
A wide range of experiments
KWANTEACH is a kit for practical courses in quantum physics designed to enhance students training in quantum technologies.
Through KWANTEACH, students delve into basics quantum physics concepts and principles of quantum bit manipulation, focusing on the NV (Nitrogen Vacancy) diamond centres.
Our versatile experimental education platform, which requires neither vaccum nor cryogenics, guarantees remarkable flexibility. This hands-on approach provides a large teaching scope (from undergraduated studies to PhD projects) and enriches the theoretical fundations provided in the curriculums, fostering a comprehensive understanding of quantum technologies.
Yossi Paltiel to Nir Bar-Gill from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
from Jan Joachim
"KWANTEACH is a product designed for research and teaching, allowing concrete and practical use. Given the complexity of NV centres, it is crucial to have a visible, mature and interesting offering for TP that lasts over time." Miguel Monteverde from the Paris-Saclay - Solid State Physics Laboratory
"Easy to use, it works at room temperature and allows different materials to be manipulated. With KWANTEACH, students can derange the product, understand their mistakes, and correct them themselves." Edwin Kermarrec From the University of Paris-Saclay Solid State Physics Laboratory
"The quality of the acquisition during the demo was really impressive" Artur Widera from Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau Fachbereich Physik
Ask for a demo : Contact us
Main Advantages
Simple experimental implementation
No vacuum, no cryogenics, basic optics and optomechanics elements
Flexibility and manipulation
Hands-on setup allowing to switch easily from base to pulsed setup
Practical approach
Allowing to train students in optics good practices and illustrate quantum physics concepts experimentally
From Bachelor to PhD level
From basic optics skills to spin echo experiments
Teacher book provided
More than 15 experiments including detailed protocols, measurements and theoretical introduction

Base Module
A simple set-up allowing for continuous experiments highlighting basic concepts of quantum physics and engineering
- Optical detection of magnetic resonance
- Zeeman Effect
- Hyperfine levels
- Metrologie & Instrumentation
— includes
- Control Unit
- 3 axis Helmholtz coils
- Photodetector
- Laser
- NV Centre diamond and RF antenna
- Optomechanics
- Software

Base Module
+ Pulsed
KWANTEACH pulsed module comes as an extension of the base module. It is designed specifically to realize pulsed experiments aiming to introduce spin coherence times and Qbit manipulation.
- Longitudinal relaxation time T1
- Rabi oscillations
- Transverse coherencetime T2*
Dynamic decoupling: coherence time
- Saturation of a two level system
— includes
- All Base module elements
- Pulsed Control Unit
- Pulse generator
- RF switch
- Acquisition control board
To know more: Contact Us
Measurement examples
Hyperfine levels

Rabi oscillations
between two fine levels